
Transformer, 2014

Evrim Kavcar

Sinopale 5, “Clusters and Crystals: Observing at Point Zero”
Curator: Işın Önol

Transformer, 2014, installation (video 2’’56’, excerpts from Sabahattin Ali’s ‘Mountains and Wind’, drawings, hand made objects)

“Transformer” is a work in progress which aims to share the observations and recordings about production processes and inventions of those unique people who practice re-production by functionalizing all sorts of materials which are not thrown away. The first observations and recordings are of transformed/recycled objects and inventions by Serdar Akliman, Kazım Semerci and Erkan Akliman. It came up from the desire to observe, record and share the ways in which “repair” and “transformation” can create commons and can provide resistance in the middle of and against the epidemic of consumption which devastates all living and non-living beings. It is open to contribution and participation.