The Table Project realized by Vahit Tuna, started first with the exhibition of Erinç Seymen. As a prerequisite of the concept of the project, the participating artist’s work is exhibited in a table which is designed particularly according to the content of the exhibition. Using the table as exhibition space, the Table Project is a project which includes the exhibition space in itself, is alternative, even maybe opposing to the gallery space, and it is based on the notion of art in public space. Now, the Table Project is “opening space” in Sinop for the works of Seyit Saatçi. On the video presented in a table which is covered by the caricature works of Seyit Saatçi, in images taken in front of the index drawers of the library, Saatçi talks about himself, the caricature art, and how he relates caricature to life. Combining different art disciplines such as caricature, video and installation, this work uses an interdisciplinary language and when evaluated in the context of the virtual and real spaces (Sinop, Library, Video, Table), it acquires a metaphorical meaning by the interweaving concepts of time, space, memory. / Funda Oruç