The Donkey Processor

The Donkey Processor, 2019

Mobile Albania

Sinopale 7, “Here and Where / A Politics of Location”
Curator: Aslı Serbest & Mona Mahall

On five days and with the support of a wooden donkey, performative group Mobile Albania wandered the city of Sinop. They were joined by artists, students, and local participants for experimental interactions and playful experiences of the surrounding. Noises and voices were shared with and through the donkey.

“We are here in Sinop, on a peninsula surrounded by the sea. The wind blows from every side, bringing sound, noise, words, sentences, communication – through the wind, the wires, the pipes. The pipes built the foundation of the donkey, the digestive system. It collects the sounds of the environment, processes it and blows it off to travel further…” Mobile Albania