R. is Tricycling at Sinop

R. is Tricycling at Sinop, 2006

Tamas Oszwald

Sinopale 1, “Thing”
curator: T. Melih Görgün

A big mound of clinker, a little hill in front of the entrance hall of the exhibition building. There was enough space beside the hill for another one. The original idea was Tricycling – connected with – Recycling, use a three wheels bike, borrow it form a local person. We couldn’t get it. We used a four wheels carriage; by this vehicle it was harder to carry. We asked a pile of sand to symbolize the clinker. The biker became a digger.

The digger was a remover. He was removing the hill with his carriage. He filled up the table of the carriage; he shoveled “clinker” on it. When the table was full, he left the place to deliver the “clink- er” to its new place. The way to wheel the carriage to the new place was not the shortest – which would have been the rational, logical way – but the longest. The new place was just beside of the original one. He was making a new hill just beside of the original one.

His way was going around in the city, to and fro with his burden, then – if he was arrived – he empty the box, went back and did it again, while the hill was removed totally. In the city he could communicate with the people, they asked him “why does he doing this illogical action? What is this at all?” The action also was a propaganda for the biennale, was an excuse to speak about art. The idea of clinker came up because the contamination clinker junks in the see few years ago. The contaminants are still in this area, and they can’t give it back. To take the clinker to the see was totally inhuman and incomprehensibly action, like the effort of the digger to remove the hill.

There is an important letter: R

Recycling Remove Rifutti (means clinker – Italian)

R – the sign on the side of the barrels full with contaminations clinker.