“There was purification in punishment. Not ‘Forgive us our sins,’ but ‘Smite us for our iniquities’ should be the prayer of a man to a most just God.”
– Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray
Prison of little crimes has grates and a door with a padlock on, it is for solitary confinement. It is located on a peddler’s mobile booth and it is put in the service by touring the city. It promises that you will find a cure to your early ageing, tediousness, sleeplessness if you serve your sentence for lying, breaking someone’s heart, talking behind someone’s back in Prison of Little Crimes. There will be announcements on the streets with a hailer just like a peddler does. Those who want to enter this prison will decide the time for their crimes and do their sentence there.
In state observance and also in a single person’s small life inpumity transforms the badly known act to a habit. Maybe in proper use serving a sentence is not as bad as it seems.