
Dreams, 2006

Antonio Riello

Sinopale 1, “Thing”
curator: Vittorio Urbani

I am thinking of an acustic artproject by which to create a “mixed reality” situation (where a place could become very different from what we expect and seeming like another kind of  place). I started working

with this concept in 2005 when I made a huge installation transforming an Art Museum ( Mart in Rovereto) in a working airport and a  real airport  (Verona Airport) in a real art Museum. I would like to install in different places (rooms,  courtyards or corridors,  for a total of 5  places) of the Synope prison area, some CD lectors and related wireless hearphones. Every place will have one of this devices. And everyone will broadcast sounds of different places  a nursery school, an airport, a car racing track, a football stadium, a shopping center.

A sort of artistic “escaping” from the prison………..

The project is artistically strong and affordable, at the same time it is flexible enough to fit to the place and to the installations of the other artists. Of course I will make a sort of map, after installing and before the opening, by that will be possible to follow a sort of Riello’s artistic path inside the prison area.

